Crazy! Mad! Nuts! Lunatic!
Ohh I don't know what other words that could describe this crazy crazy works!!!!
I've been working on this project for two continuous weeks now. And it doesn't show any sign to finish! I've been up early and go home late at night for two weeks.....
My body is aching everywhere. My head wont stop spinning. I don't know what else. My blood pressure, high or low... Its just crazy!!
And when its over, and they find out you do one simple mistake, they will kill you. "The Black Sheeps". Here we are the black sheep.
From the first time I saw the assistant manager at my office, I never like him. Until now. Even now he's in charge of this project. He is someone I could never work with, never cooperate with. The communications between us never go so well. SO, I never expected a good result working with him, because I know I could never ever work well with him.
He's just someone I really don't like right now!!!
Oh it feels like I want to resign right now. Right at this moment.
The company not healthy, not to mention the environment.
I wish I'll find a new job soon so I could resign as soon as possible from there. Oh I wish GOD...
Enough of him now.
To my honey bunny, I love you...